CouponXL Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main idea of CouponBazaar?
We are deals and coupons aggregator, hence our main motto is to provide you with best deals
and coupons across different categories such as Electronics, Fashion, Lifestyle and many more.

Is shopping via CouponBazaar safe?
Yes, it is completely safe. Once you see a deals/coupon then the entire operation of you
shopping for the product happens on our merchant portal which is completely safe. You can go
and check the list of merchants we have tied up with in order to entrust your shopping

Will I get a cashback when shopping with CouponBazaar?
We have tied up with various merchants who can provide you with this facility. As of now, we do
not have any type of wallet system on our portal for you to keep your money. We would be
coming up exclusive CouponBazaar cashback in the future.

How do I register?
You can register yourself by clicking on the Sign-Up button. Once clicked on that you can either
fill the form online or you can also click on the Google button to use your email address for

I’ve forgotten my password, what should I do?
Click on the Sign-in button. On the login page you will see a link titled Forgot Password?; Just
click on this and follow the instructions and we will send you an email telling you how to reset
your password. If you do not receive the mail in your inbox do check your Junk/Spam folder.
Once there please ensure to click on the most recent mail from CouponBazaar for the same.

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